Geriatric Trauma








Geriatric trauma is a major public health issue, as older adults are more vulnerable to serious injuries due to age-related changes in their body and increased risk of falls. Common injuries associated with geriatric trauma include fractures, head injuries, and internal injuries.

Geriatric trauma can have serious consequences for older adults, leading to prolonged hospital stays and complications. The University of Arizona Department of Surgery's trauma surgeons have specialized training treating traumatic injuries in geriatric patients to minimized risks and help encourage recovery. 

Our team also engages in various outreach and educational initiatives to help seniors maintain their mobility, health and independence.


Make an Appointment

For the best surgical care in Tucson, Southern Arizona or the Southwest, make an appointment by calling

(520) 694-1001.

Contact Us

University of Arizona Department of Surgery

Division of Trauma, Surgical Critical Care, Burns, and Acute Care Surgery

PO Box 245063

Tucson, AZ 85724-5063

Office Phone: (520) 626-5063

Fax: (520) 626-5016