Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Program
A traditional two-year program for graduates of a general surgery residency, this fellowship program emphasizes cardiac preservation and surgical exposure, creating a favorable atmosphere for operative learning.
Welcome to the University of Arizona ACGME-approved cardiothoracic surgery fellowship. Our fellowship program, called the Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Program, is a traditional two-year program for graduates of a general surgery residency.

The program matches one fellow per year. The two fellows alternate between the cardiac and thoracic surgery services, and there are no non-ACGME fellows on either service to compete for cases. Six midlevel practitioners (ANPs or PAs) support the two services.
Our program emphasizes cardiac preservation and surgical exposure, creating a favorable atmosphere for operative learning. We invest time and effort in the CT fellows; their office space is embedded within the division, and cases are coordinated to maximize fellow experience. Our goal is to have the fellow practice-ready once their two years in the program come to a close.
Kenneth Fox, MD, FACS
Professor of Surgery
CT Residency Program Director

Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Leadership
Meet the educational team supporting the Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Program.

How to Apply
Learn more about what you need to do to meet the application requirements for our general surgery residency program.