Our Division of Surgical Oncology is committed to not only bringing the most up-to-date care to our patients, but also to pioneering new techniques and technologies to advance available treatment options.
Surgical oncology research in the news.

UArizona Health Sciences Study Identifies Breast Cancer Treatment Disparities Among Native American, Indigenous Women
Jennifer Erdrich, MD, MPH, an assistant professor of surgery in the UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson, led a small research team that found that American Indian and Alaska Native women with early-stage breast cancer had a higher percentage of mastectomy (41% versus 34.4%) and a lower percentage of lumpectomy (59% versus 65.6%) compared with white women.

Minimizing Scar Formation to Promote Healthy Wound Healing
A University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson team uncovered a potential treatment for survivors of blast wounds, burns and other devastating injuries that can lead to disfiguring or debilitating scars. The study, recently published in Science Translational Medicine, found in animal models that a drug called a FAK inhibitor appeared to reduce scarring and promote the regeneration of healthy skin in skin grafts.

The Gurtner/Chen Lab
The Gurtner and Chen Lab focuses on developing translational research projects in the lab that can become commercialized to improve patient care.