Carlos Zgheib, PhD, MS

Carlos Zgheib, PhD, MS, is an associate professor in the Division of Pediatric Surgery at the University of Arizona Department of Surgery.
Dr. Zgheib leads the Laboratory for Fetal and Regenerative Biology (LFRB) alongside Ken Liechty, MD, division chief of pediatric surgery at the University of Arizona and the surgeon-in-chief at Banner Children's at Diamond Children's Medical Center.
Dr. Zgheib has an expansive background in leadership and almost 20 years of experience in biomedical research. He has extensive experience in regenerative medicine, tissue repair, nanotechnology, and biomaterials.
His research encompasses a range of topics within the field of healing, response to injury, and regenerative medicine. He has overseen the development of multiple core technologies aiding in the treatment of unhealing wounds, acute lung injury, and inflammatory bowel diseases, including technologies that will enter clinical trials in 2023
“I am thrilled to be part of a team with a vision to further surgical and medical discovery and improve patients? health and care Dr. Zgheib said.
Dr. Zgheib received his PhD in medical pharmacology and toxicology with an emphasis on targeting inflammation to promote tissue repair and regeneration. He earned a master's in pharmacology and cosmetology as well as a master's in biomedical sciences. His undergraduate degree was in biochemistry.
Following his PhD, Dr. Zgheib trained at the Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute as a postdoctoral fellow where he studied regenerative medicine. Prior to joining the University of Arizona, Dr. Zgheib was an associate professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in the Department of Surgery.
Dr. Zgheib is a well published author with works in Acta Biomaterialia, NanoMedicine, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, and Frontiers in Immunology among others. He was the senior and lead author of many book chapters in the field of tissue regeneration.
Among his various accolades, Dr. Zgheib has received the Medline Corius Innovation Award from the Wound Healing Foundation, the Owen H. Wangensteen Excellence in Research Award from the American College of Surgeons, the Faculty Professionalism Award, and the Award for Academic Excellence and Superior Scholarship from The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.
Dr. Zgheib holds multiple U.S. and international patents and is the chief scientific officer of two biotech companies, Ceria Therapeutics and Silka Nanotechnologies. His research is currently funded by the National Institutes of Health.
Outside of medicine, Dr. Zgheib enjoys going on hikes, reading, experimenting in the kitchen, traveling, and discovering new places with his wife and his two-year-old son.