The surgeons in the Department of Surgery work as a team with referring physicians and strive to maintain the highest surgical standards.
Our surgeons have advanced training in robotic surgery, organ failure, pelvic floor disorders, integrated vascular surgery and diabetic wound care, trauma and burns, and advanced cancer treatment. We serve as a resource for the greater Tucson community, the state of Arizona and the southwestern United States.
They’re available to community physicians, patients, families and caregivers.
Our Divisions
Abdominal Transplant Surgery
Abdominal transplant surgeons perform kidney, liver and pancreas transplants. They are experts in all phases of caring for transplant donors and recipients. They focus on transplanting
their patients with the best possible organ as soon as possible, offering the patient the best outcome. They have significant experience caring for patients requiring repeat transplantation as well as those patients who are considered “difficult to transplant” or who require multi-organ transplantation.
Cardiothoracic Surgery
Cardiothoracic surgeons provide state-of-the-art care for all cardiac and thoracic conditions in both pediatric and adult patients with excellent results. Our highly trained surgeons employ robotic and minimally invasive approaches to lung and esophageal cancer with less pain and less blood loss, and shorter lengths of stay. The staff routinely performs complex valve repairs, reoperative surgery, thoracic aortic replacement as well as thoracic transplantion and ventricular device implantation.
The pediatric open-heart team is the flagship program at Banner Children’s at Diamond Children’s Medical Center. These surgeons also run the prestigious Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) programs for adult and pediatric populations.
General Surgery
The Division of General Surgery supports several sections and multi-disciplinary programs including Surgical Oncology, Breast Surgery, Endocrine Surgery, Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgery (HPB) Surgery, Abdominal Transplant Surgery, General Surgery, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program, Pediatric Surgery, and Plastic Surgery.
Pediatric Surgery
Our pediatric surgeons are dedicated to caring for children, from premature babies to school-age children and teenagers. With our family-centered approach to care, our team assigns a dedicated child-life specialist to each patient.
Surgical Oncology
Surgical oncologists, who are part of the University of Arizona Cancer Center, the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center in Arizona, provide evidence-based and state-of-the-art care to patients through a multidisciplinary approach. Their care covers all aspects of cancer treatment, from screening and prevention to clinical trials.
Trauma, Surgical Critical Care, Burns, and Acute Care Surgery
Our trauma, surgical critical care, burn and acute care surgeons are nationally recognized for their expertise. These surgeons are also a vital part of the general surgery team, performing thousands of procedures every year.
Vascular Surgery
Our vascular surgeons are nationally recognized for their expertise in treating circulatory system conditions including carotid disease, aortic pathology, PAD and venous disease. The division is also the home to the Southern Arizona Limb Salvage Alliance, dedicated to amputation prevention. Our podiatric surgeons have expertise in diabetic limb salvage and related foot and ankle pathology.
Our Sections
Minimally Invasive, Robotic and Bariatric Surgery
Our Section of Minimally Invasive, Robotic and Bariatric Surgery within the Division of General Surgery is proud to provide comprehensive, compassionate care to patients that tends to result in shorter hospital stay, less pain and scarring, less risk of wound infections, less blood loss and fewer transfusions, faster recovery, and ultimately, quicker return to normal activities.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Within the Division of Surgical Oncology in the Department of Surgery, the Section of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is a team of reconstructive plastic surgeons and advanced practice providers who are dedicated to the delivery of exemplary reconstructive surgical care; the education of faculty, trainees and support personnel; and the participation in clinical research and quality initiatives to further improve the care delivered to those we serve.
By focusing on limb preservation using public health education, close clinical monitoring of high-risk patients, minimally invasive procedures, and reconstructive and regenerative techniques, our podiatry team strives to address issues before they become limb-threatening, preserving mobility and preventing the cascade of morbidities that follow amputations. Our podiatrists work in close collaboration with surgeons in the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery to provide a team-oriented approach to care.
Thoracic Surgery
The Section of Thoracic Surgery, in the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, specializes in the surgical treatment of issues impacting the lungs, esophagus, trachea, diaphragm, chest wall and mediastinum (the area between the lungs). Our providers specialize in open and laparoscopic procedures to help treat a range of diseases including lung cancer, GERD, and esophageal cancer.
Community Events
Our faculty and staff members participate in various outreach activities such as presentations at community events, conferences and student lectures. To schedule an event with a faculty or staff member, please contact Jessica Montoya at
Our Surgeons Are Ready to Help
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